My debate with Expressen’s editor-in-chief on Swedish Radio One. The anti-WikiLeaks campaigns

As a new belligerent attacks in the Swedish mainstream media were fired today from Stockholm against WikiLeaks founder and editor Julian Assange, Professors blog debated with Expressen’s editor-in-chief Thomas Mattsson in the  program “Online” at RadioEtt. Also participating in such panel was Donald Boström – a known Swedish filmmaker and author of a documentary on…

Important Statement by the US Centre for Constitutional Rights regarding reported sealed Assange indictment

Leak of Private Intelligence Firm Documents Confirm Existence of Secret Indictment by Secret Grand Jury. Important Statement by the US Centre for Constitutional Rights regarding the reported secret Assange indictment: “A sealed indictment against Julian Assange would underscore the very thing Wikileaks has been fighting against: abuses the government commits in an environment of secrecy…

What Julian Assange does with WikiLeaks is not only right. It is morally right, it is ethically right and it is legally right. By Jennifer Robinson

Professor blog proudly presents a new great contribution by Jennifer Robinson, the acclaimed media and human rights lawyer. She also is a legal adviser of WikiLeaks founder – editor and journalist Julian Assange. Jennifer Robinson participated in these days in the forum at the University of Technology in Sydney “Don’t shoot the messenger: WikiLeaks, Assange…

Anatomy of an untruthful scoop: Sweden’s psychological warfare against WikiLeaks, and the political case VS Julian Assange. Part One

Second Part: HERE   Update 25 February:The twittering on WikiLeaks by the Foreign Minister of Sweden    After the raid –  Mourning a war of lies  Inchiostro di china e Aquarello su carta, Ferrada de Noli 2004 I had not yet dusted off my gloves from having dissected all possible parts of the preposterous and ill-fated “scoop”…

Sweden: POLITICALLY appointed lay judges to JUDGE Assange

This is the Second part in the series “Sweden, Assange and Pinochet. On Torture crimes, Extradition lawyers, and Politically appointed Judges”  Justitia. Acrylic in canvas, Ferrada de Noli, 2003 As announced in Part One, the aim in the following sections is to “treat the subject of certain similarities between Pinochet’s judicial system and the Swedish, focusing…

Om de upprepade anklagelserna mot Assange av svenska journalister

Detta är andra delen i mitt bemötande till de senaste journalist-angreppen ad hominem gentemot WikiLeaks grundaren Julian Assange. Första delen här. I sammanhanget av de upprepade anklagelserna mot Assange utförda av svenska journalister – senast av Publicistkubben ordföranden – med antydandet att det skulle vara JA som orsakat Sveriges prestigeförlust internationellt, finns det ytterligare graverande…

Journalister till tjänst i krigföringen mot Assange, och mot hederlig journalistik

Detta är första delen i mitt bemötande till det senaste journalist-angreppet ad hominem gentemot WikiLeaks grundaren Julian Assange. Andra delen här. Eftersom de som ivrigt förespråkat Assanges död ännu inte kunnat genomföra sin önskan, gäller det tillsvidare att mörda hans karaktär. För detta uppdrag har makthavarna sina statsjournalister. Dessa finns till tjänst här och där…

Sweden, Assange and Pinochet. On Torture crimes, Extradition lawyers, and Politically designed judges. Part I

“U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder does not prosecute U.S. torturers; he prosecutes  those who speak out about U.S. torture. Will Julian Assange be next?”  (Human-Rights Lawyer Jennifer Robinson) This analysis reviews historic and political-background aspects in the extradition of political prisoners in Sweden, and revisits the risks as whether Swedish authorities would further extradite their…