Was the shooting down of MH17 a false-flag operation?

Note by The Professors’ Blog: We publish here a version in Englishmw to  TPB of  the analysis around the MH-17 crash, written by the Swedish cultural personality and prize-winner film director Maj Wechselmann [photo at right]. An introductory analysis to this theme [M Ferrada de Noli, “Facts and Libel – A false-flag at expense of 290 civilian lives would be a double war crime”] has been published at SWEDHR Research & Reports, a publication by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, SWEDHR.

The Professors’ Blog has published, since august 2014, a periodical update with investigations around the causes of the MH-17 crash; those reports suggest overwhelmingly that the MH17 would have been shot down by a jet fighter. The present article – to which The Professors’ Blog (TPB) have added further graphics and a brief comment – was originally published in Swedish at Jinge.se – a blog edited by Professor Anders Romelsjö, also our colleague at SWEDHR.

Editor’s note (Jinge.se):

Today I have the privilege to present a new article by our guest columnist Maj Wechselmann. She is one of Sweden’s top left profiles, and – in my opinion – she has accomplished great all along these decades in her cultural and political endeavours. Maj Wechselmann was awarded the Kurt Linder stipend in 1973 for her documentary Viggen 37, the Eldh-Ekblads Peace Prize in 1978, and the Rydöpriset 1990 “for her free speech to the memory of Olof Palme”. She was also awarded the Ecumenical prize at the Berlin Festival, the Berlinale in 1998, where she showed 3 movies. Her films have been screened at festivals all over the world. In 2011 she was awarded the Lenin-Prize (Lenninpriset) by The Jan Myrdal Society (Jan Myrdal-sällskapet), consisting of 100 000 SEK, for her filming endeavour. She is the author of the book ”Kärnkraft-farlig och förlegat” (“The obsolete and dangerous nuclear power”). Maj Wechselmann has a special connection to Ukraine. / Prof. Anders Romelsjö.


Was the MH17 shoot down a false-flag operation?

By Maj Wechselmann

At the end of 2014, aviation-lawyer Elmar Giemulla filed a lawsuit against the Ukrainian government for breach of the Chicago Convention. The Chicago Convention is an agreement entailing that each country is obliged to take responsibility for its own country’s airspace. Ukraine signed the Convention in 1993. Giemulla reasons that it was Ukraine’s responsibility to protect those foreign passengers – innocent people – by means of shutting down the airspace across the war zone. This means the 160 square kilometres where the fighting between the Ukrainian army and the separatists took place in mid-July 2014. Several aircraft had been shot down over the area the previous days.

The aviation authority in Kiev (more precisely, the air tower at the Kiev Airport), was the one guiding the MH17 into the war zone. In addition, it was this same aviation authority in Kiev who gave the MH17 the directive of flying at 1,000 meters lesser altitude – 1,000 meters under the usual cruising altitude.

Robert Mark – editor of Aviation International News Safety Magazine, states that most of Malaysia Airlines flights from Amsterdam to Kuula Lumpur fly on a route significantly further south than the route into which the MH17 was directed. Mark’s information is confirmed by the Internet site Flight Radar 24.

The British journalist Patrick Henningsen claims that MH17s route on that occasion clearly differed from the previous days’ flights, where the aircrafts received orders to avoid the war zone. According to Henningsen, it appears extremely odd that FlightAware and FlightRadar24 changed their websites after a few days after the crash – so it would look as if the previous flights were also led to the same route as the MH17. Which they did not.

In the investigative piece published at Global Research, “MH17, One Year On: What Really Happened, And Why“, journalist Patrick Henningsen posts images of the original routes of the MH17 and the changed routes commented above.

mh17 routes changed[TPB Note: Image above is from the report of Prof Michel Chossudovsky, published in “Malaysian Airlines MH17 Was Ordered to Fly over the East Ukraine Warzone“. Another report published on the aftermath of the crash shed also light on the issue of different routes assigned at different occasions to the same flight. See “Questions over why Malaysian plane flew over Ukrainian warzone“. Image below added by TPB:]

different-routes-indicated-for-mh17-detailThe Ukrainian Security Service confiscated the recorded tapes that Kiev flight-control towers had on the MH17. This material – although regarded as extremely important – has never been made public. And there is more information that should certainly be disclosed [Image below added by TPB].

Four days after the crash (about a year ago) the aircraft’s black boxes were handed over to British authorities, namely, the Air Accidents Investigative Branch in Farnborough, England. Since then, nothing has been heard from the British authorities on this matter. This, in comparison with the German Wings crash in France (24 March 2015), where the recordings from the black boxes were made public already eight days after the accident.

Important materials are kept secret. US-military spy satellites maintained every square centimetre of the war zone under a sharp surveillance, and photographed it. In mid-July 2014 NATO led two major intelligence operations in the region and in the Black Sea, namely the Sea Breeze 2014 and the war game Rapid Trident 2014 – which is another NATO-led international war exercise also gathering all available data. Nothing of these materials has ever been published.

The above has to be seen against the backdrop of the Russian authorities’ stance on the matter, who immediately made available all their satellite materials.

A most important thing is, however: Had the Russian separatists any chance to shoot down the MH17?

The territory controlled by the Russian separatists after the Ukraine ‘ATO-offensive’ had shrank to 160 square kilometres by July 2014. They were almost jostled to the Russian border. It was a cloudy day, and although they observed the planet, it took only one minute for the plane to fly over one corner of the separatists region (See picture of MH17s route). [Images below added by TPB]

Buk-M1-2_air_defence_system_in_2010Buk-M1-2 air defence system in 2010. Image from Wikipedia/Commons

Had the separatists BUK-missiles, really? And if so the case, would they have had the time to [prepare and] fire it? A BUK missile is in most cases a system with a mobile launching ramp, mobile logistics, separate radar device, and a separate command vehicle. Even in the case the radar device is on the launcher, it still would take a few minutes to coordinate the launching ramp.

[TPB Note: The combat-readiness time of a BUK-missile is about 5 minutes. A BUK launcher needs five minutes to warm up, and it takes 12 minutes to reload].

buksizeThe actual missile is 5.5 metres long; it is designed to fly three times the speed of sound and carries a warhead of about 60 kg. Thus, in all the images showing a launching of BUK-missiles, it is visible a track (Chem trail) similar to that of a military fighter jet. No one in the village Golovka ever saw such a trail. [Images below added by TPB].

Buk anti aircraft missile launch.

Buk anti aircraft missile launch.

another buk tailFurther, when a BUK-missile warhead explodes, it develops a giant fireball in less than a second (image below). That should have left the wreckage of the plane completely pulverized and charred. Yet, every single corpse from the crash victims was identified, along with a variety of unharmed toys, books and passports.


Michael Bociurkiw – the first OSCE officer that reached the crash site – declared in the US television channel CBS that, as he understood, the perforations / bullet-holes in the cockpit had been made by machine gun fire. Michael Bociurkiw’s declarations about being first at the crash are found at this CBS video, and located at 6 minutes and 10 seconds in the sending. Simultaneously, the CBS reportage shows an image of the perforations on the cockpit:

Pål-Steigan-140802-bild-2-mh17-kulehullPeter Haisenko, a commercial airline pilot, has concluded that the MH17 was intercepted and shot down by a Ukrainian fighter-aircraft, and that it is proven: “Revelations of German Pilot: Shocking Analysis of the Shooting Down of Malaysian MH17. Aircraft Was Not Hit By A Missile“.

The West has never been able to produce an image of BUK missiles in the separatist region, apart of a quite blurry image depicting something that at best it might resemble a chassis of a launcher ramp.

The British journalist Patrick Henningsen calls the shooting of the MH17, “ a false flag operation”. If more journalists would dig as much as him, the world would be a more peaceful place.

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