The Swedish Phenomenon Of Political Consensus

Why are Swedish political parties and MSM altogether hostile against WikiLeaks and Assange? [- Part III in the series “Seven Pillars Of Deception”] As far the “accusations-item” is concerned, Sweden has at-large demonstrated it is NOT interested in ending the legal case. The only interest Sweden has demonstrated is in trying to obtain the extradition …

How to best defend Assange?

The problem has been euphemistically complicated, and successively, as to produce a huge political Gordian knot. Instead of consuming time and energy in trying to find a “legal” way to a labyrinth exit which does not exist, the only way of untying such puzzle and get rid of the deadlock is following the example of Alessandro…

Trial by Media fortsätter

I vad beträffar den svenska pressen ad-hominem attacks mot Assange, jag betraktar Senator Scott Ludlams 2013 sammanfattning som en uppdatering av mitt vittnesmål 2011 om den Trial by the Media som Sveriges etablissemangs MSM utfördes gentemot WikiLeaks grundaren. I Inledning Av Marcello Ferrada de Noli Den Australienska Senator Scott Ludlam är inte bara populärt i…